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Trining ∓ Consultncy

Trining business ws estblished to build on our belief in the vlue of humn fctor in the success of ny business, nd to fulfill our commitment to the development of the society we live in.

HP Softwre Trining

s HP eductionl prtner, Fingerprint covers HP Business Technology Optimiztion portfolio of products. Our trining services enble your tem to perform t their highest cpbilities, s well s helping your orgniztion to chieve your business gols. < href="hpst.html" clss="see-more" hction="hpsw">Show Detils

  • <>HP Network Node Mnger Essentils

    This course is designed for those Network nd/or System dministrtors tsked with the instlltion, configurtion nd mintennce of the Network Node Mnger i-series product. It will tech the skills needed to successfully implement the product to mnge smll, medium or lrge networked enterprises. It includes the iSPI Performnce for Metrics Toolset.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of the course, you will be ble to:

    • Configure SNMP nd ICMP communiction
    • Configure spirl discovery
    • Configure sttus monitoring
    • Customize NNMi user interfce
    • Configure trps nd incidents
    • Configure threshold monitoring
    • Monitor incidents nd perform network dignostics
    • View performnce reports
    • dminister the NNMi system

  • <>HP Network Node Mnger Softwre for Opertors

    This 2-dy course provides opertionl skills for the Network Node Mnger i (NNMi) Softwre product. The course is trgeted to network opertors who re responsible for using the NNMi product to troubleshoot the networked environment. This includes n Overview of the NNMi product, key terminologies nd definitions, nd n Overview of using NNMi to troubleshoot networked environment. The course is pproximtely 50 percent lecture nd 50 percent lb. The lb exercises use version 9.1 of the softwre.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Use the NNMi product to monitor nd troubleshoot networked environment.
    • Rpidly identify nd ddress problems, thus reducing downtime nd incresing systemutiliztion.
    • Use the NNMi monitoring tools to obtin the informtion necessry to use networked devices t optiml performnce nd efficiency.
    • Describe the bsics of Simple Network Mngement Protocol (SNMP).
    • Configure sttus monitoring
    • Customize the NNMi user interfce
    • Configure trps nd incidents
    • Monitor incidents nd perform network dignostics
    • View performnce reports

  • <>HP Network utomtion Essentils

    The HP Network utomtion softwre trining clsses tech prticipnts bout the fetures, rchitecture, instlltion, configurtion, nd usge of the HP Network utomtion 9.0 softwre. t the conclusion of this course, prticipnts will be ble to discuss the rchitecture, dd devices, nd use HP Network utomtion 9.0. This clss consists of lecture nd hnds-on lb exercises.

    Durtion: 4 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Describe the bsic components nd functions of HP N
    • dd nd delete devices
    • Crete groups for device mngement
    • Run tsks ginst devices nd groups
    • Crete, edit, nd use templtes nd commnd scripts
    • Crete nd use policies for complince
    • Crete nd use reports
    • Pln for n HP N instll
    • Use HP N to upgrde device operting systems
    • Crete nd use workflow for chnge control
    • Understnd the HP N PI nd wht it cn do
    • Understnd the HP N Driver Developer Kit

  • <>HP Service Mnger Technicl Essentils

    This introductory course provides students with the technicl skills needed to effectively use nd configure the HP Service Mnger 9.20 softwre product. This course focuses on configuring Service Mnger to mtch the processes, policies, nd procedures in the out-of-the-box environment. This 5-dy course is mixture of lectures nd hnds-on exercises. free Service Request Ctlog v9.21 webinr is included. This webinr provides brief tour or the new Service Request Ctlog nd covers instlltion nd security. This course is designed for technicl users who re new to HP Service Mnger 9.20.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Describe the role nd intent for ech of the Service Mnger components.
    • Use the Service Mnger Web nd Windows client s well s the Employee Self-Service portl.
    • Open new interction with Service Mnger Service Desk, nd then follow its escltion through Incident Mngement, Problem Mngement, nd Chnge Mngement, utilizing the built-in ITIL stndrds nd best prctices.
    • Mnge Service Mnger opertors using dministrtive security tools.
    • Configure opertor, profile, role, environment, folder, nd contct objects.
    • Delegte pprovl uthority to other groups or opertors.
    • Configure the Service Mnger components.
    • Crete new incident mngement ctegoriztions: res nd subres.
    • dd new ctegories nd phses.
    • Describe how lerts nd lert notifictions re creted.
    • Describe the vrious integrtion technologies nd how to integrte Service Mnger to other products using the Integrtion Mnger Utility

  • <>HP Performnce Insight dministrtion Essentils

    This 5-dy course is intended to mke students self-sufficient in hndling the dy-to-dy tsks involved in instlling, dministering, nd using HP Softwre Performnce Insight version 5.4 in stnd-lone (single-server) instlltion. This course is tught on Windows pltforms, but includes dditionl informtion needed to operte Performnce Insight on UNIX system.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Understnd the bsic opertion of dt collection nd reporting
    • Instll Performnce Insight softwre
    • dminister node list, polling groups, nd polling policies
    • Use device nd type discovery cpbilities
    • Instll nd dminister the Common Properties solution
    • Instll nd dminister the System Resources solution
    • Instll nd dminister the Interfce Reporting solution
    • Mnge element properties
    • Use nd dminister reports nd report ccess fetures
    • Schedule, generte, nd view stndrd reports
    • Configuring nd mnging Threshold Event Genertion
    • Perform bsic troubleshooting nd understnd log file entries
    • Optimize the routine system processes for mximum performnce

  • <>HP Opertion Mnger on Windows dministrtion Essentils

    This 5-dy instructor-led course focuses on the essentil dministrtive tsks for HP Opertions Mnger on Windows. You will lern how to effectively monitor, mnge, nd report on the helth nd performnce of systems nd pplictions in heterogeneous IT environment using HP Opertions Mnger on Windows. The course reinforces concepts with extensive hnds-on lb exercises. The course lbs use OMW version 9.0; however, the course directly pplies to customers using version 8.x or 9.x.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Crete nd modify user (opertor) ccounts for HP Opertions Mnger
    • Configure system nd ppliction monitoring through policies.
    • Configure utomtic responses to system or ppliction problems.
    • Perform bsic HP Opertions Mnger gent instlltions.
    • Configure nodes, node groups, messge groups, tools, policy groups, nd other essentil elements for use by both dministrtors nd opertors.
    • Use the Web Console or Mngement Console to perform dy-to-dy tsks on messges.
    • Configure policies, messges, nd commnds for use in deling with enterprise ctivities.
    • Choose pproprite techniques for mnging devices using policies.
    • Use the Mngement Console to perform common dministrtive functions.
    • dminister nd mintin HP Opertions Mnger, its dtbse, nd users, including bckups of the environment.
    • Perform tsks to mnge messges nd messge content.
    • pply bsic techniques for using HP Reporter nd Performnce Mnger with HP Opertions Mnger

  • <>HP Site Scope Essentils

    This course is designed to provide the technicl knowledge nd skills needed to mnge nd monitor n IT infrstructure with the help of HP Site Scope. Students gin prcticl experience using Site Scope to design nd configure n extensive set of monitoring ssets, proctive lerts, nd reports. In ddition, the course describes best prctices nd dministrtive techniques fundmentl to the successful use of Site Scope. The course expnds on fundmentl concepts of product use nd mngement. Prticipnts become fmilir with Site Scope deployment nd implementtion processes with n emphsis on dvnced product dministrtion nd configurtion skills. The topics included in the course re reinforced through intensive lb exercises nd hnds-on ctivities. The hnds-on lb exercises use version 11.0 of Site Scope.

    Durtion: 4 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Perform Site Scope instlltion
    • Design sclble nd esy-to-mnge monitoring strtegy
    • Design n efficient lerting mechnism
    • Efficiently configure individul monitoring entities
    • Implement monitoring system leverging best prctices for grouping nd lerting
    • Design enterprise-level reports
    • Perform on-going mintennce nd troubleshooting of the monitoring solution
    • pply best prctices to Site Scope deployment nd mngement
    • Demonstrte mstery of dvnced techniques for monitor configurtion, grouping, design, nd report nd lert genertion
    • Use templtes nd repetble ptterns in the cretion of groups, monitors, reports, nd lerts
    • Demonstrte rchitecturl knowledge of Site Scope
    • Perform mintennce nd dministrtive techniques
    • Evlute business requirements, engge in cpcity plnning, estimte resource usges, nd size the Site Scope rchitecture ccordingly
    • Develop prcticl skills in Site Scope monitor dministrtion, lerting, reporting, nd dignostics.
    • Describe common Site Scope integrtions

  • <>HP Business Service Mnger Essentils

    This entry-level, instructor-led clssroom trining offers technicl personnel, who re new to Business Service Mngement (BSM) 9.0, the opportunity to develop hnds-on experience in pplying the fundmentl concepts, principles, nd methodologies for mnging the dministrtion nd configurtion spects of this best-in-clss enterprise softwre performnce monitoring nd service mngement solution. This course is recommended for individuls who re responsible for providing opertionl visibility into the performnce nd vilbility spects of mission-criticl pplictions.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Determine pproprite BSM deployment solutions.
    • Proctively monitor ppliction performnce nd vilbility from the end-user perspective.
    • Integrte SiteScope with the BSM environment.
    • Monitor the rel-time sttus of Key Performnce Indictors (KPIs), view performnce metrics, nd ccess reports contining historicl performnce dt.
    • Use Discovery nd Dependency Mpping to utomticlly discover nd mp IT infrstructure resources nd their interdependencies.
    • Configure nd work with n IT model to build topology of your system, populte the model with configurtion items nd reltionships, nd use the model to mesure nd mnge criticl business processes.
    • Crete nd nlyze reports tht present nd orgnize specific dt your orgniztion might need.
    • Crete nd mnge service-level greements representing your deprtment contrcts with service providers, customers, nd internl business units.
    • Isolte nd detect enterprise ppliction nomlies nd their probble cuses using proctive nd rective nlysis.
    • Perform dministrtive tsks to enble user ccess, configure licenses, nd enhnce system performnce.

  • <>HP Client utomtion Enterprise Version Essentils

    This HP Client utomtion Enterprise Version 7.8 Essentils course will demonstrte the cpbilities of the HP C Product suite. Throughout the week pre-configured environment will be utilized to demonstrte the key functions nd llow prticipnts to interct with the Client utomtion Enterprise 7.8 product in fully functioning infrstructure.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • The power, functionlity nd ese of use of HP C
    • Key components
    • Deploying Softwre nd methods to do so
    • Desired stte
    • Policy (specificlly ctive Directory)
    • Reporting
    • Enterprise Mnger
    • HPC Dshbord
    • Ptch deployment
    • CSDB Editor
    • HPC Processes
    • Core ∓ Stellite servers (CMCS, Proxy)
    • COP
    • Rdskmn
    • Negtive/positive policy
    • Troubleshooting
    • Best Prctices

  • <>HP Dt Protector Essentils

    This course provides the essentil knowledge to enble storge dministrtors to configure nd mnge HP Dt Protector softwre. The hnds-on lb exercises re-enforce the theory sessions to ensure thorough understnding of bckup nd recovery concepts, the functionlity of the softwre nd its ppliction to typicl storge implementtions.

    Durtion: 5 dys Objectives

    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Distribute HP Dt Protector softwre on network.
    • Configure the HP Dt Protector softwre product.
    • Configure Librry devices for use with HP DtProtector softwre.
    • Use HP Dt Protector softwre product to bckup, restore, nd monitor from the GUI nd commnd line.
    • Mnge the HP Dt Protector softwre Internl Dtbse.
    • Crete custom reports nd notifiction procedures.

ITIL/ITSM Trining ∓ Consultncy

Fingerprint hs prtnership with Quint for delivering ITIL trining; Quint hs over 15 yers of globl experience, uniquely diverse tem of highly qulified professionls, nd hs creted huge reservoir of the world ltest nd best solutions for IT-mngement. Moreover its trining courses re conducted by world-clss instructors, using relible content nd effective simultors.

In Our clssroom trining, students re encourged to interct with one nother s well s with the instructor. Course prticipnts will gin comprehensive knowledge bout course, supported by rel-life exmples. The courses re specilly designed by our cclimed consultnts who stnd mongst the best in the field. < href="itil.html" clss="see-more" hction="itil">Show Detils

  • <>ITIL V3: Foundtion

    ITIL v3 (version 3) Foundtion is the newest entry level certifiction course for IT Service Mngement Best Prctices. This is summry course covering the ltest overll refresh of core ITIL best prctices presented from lifecycle perspective. This course introduces the principles nd core elements of IT service mngement (ITSM) bsed on the ITIL v3.

    Durtion: 3 dys udience

    The trget group of the ITIL v3 Foundtion is IT mngers, IT stff nd process owners.


    None, besides some experience in n IT orgniztion


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Understnd the min processes, reltionships, benefits nd chllenges of ITIL v3
    • Gin insight into the holistic service lifecycle pproch tht forms the core of ITIL v3
    • Understnd how these processes contribute to mking n IT orgniztion mngeble
    • Lern the most importnt ITIL v3 definitions
    • Gin ccess to stndrdized vocbulry
    • Prepre yourself for the certified ITIL v3 Foundtion exmintion

  • <>ITIL V3: Service Strtegy

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Lifecycle Module Service Strtegy offers cndidtes the bility to specilize in one of the five stges of the service lifecycle. This compct 4-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 3 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the lifecycle series covers n introduction to the service lifecycle, the principles, processes, functions nd ctivities within tht stge of the ITIL service mngement lifecycle, long with technology nd implementtion considertions.

    Durtion: 4 dys udience

    The course ITIL v3 Lifecycle Module Service Strtegy is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd understnding of the service strtegy stge of the ITIL v3 service lifecycle. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvncedlevels cn ern 3 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Leding discussions on Service Strtegy
    • Defining services nd mrket spces
    • Conducting strtegic nlysis
    • pplying finncil mngement
    • Mnging demnd
    • Driving strtegy through the service lifecycle
    • Understnding criticl success fctors nd risks

  • <>ITIL V3: Service Design

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Lifecycle Module Service Design offers cndidtes the bility to specilize in one of the five stges of the service lifecycle. This compct 4-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 3 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the lifecycle series covers n introduction to the service lifecycle, the principles, processes, functions nd ctivities within tht stge of the ITIL service mngement lifecycle, long with technology nd implementtion considertions.

    Durtion: 4 dys udience

    The course ITIL v3 Lifecycle Module Service Design is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in- depth knowledge nd understnding of the service design stge of the ITIL v3 service lifecycle. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced levels cn ern 3 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduction to service design
    • Service design principles
    • Service design processes
    • Service design technology relted ctivities
    • Orgniztion nd technology for service design
    • Understnding implementtion pproches, chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks

  • <>ITIL V3: Service Trnsition

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Lifecycle Module Service Trnsition offers cndidtes the bility to specilize in one of the five stges of the service lifecycle. This compct 4-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 3 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the lifecycle series covers n introduction to the service lifecycle, the principles, processes, functions nd ctivities within tht stge of the ITIL service mngement lifecycle, long with technology nd implementtion considertions.

    Durtion: 4 dys udience

    The course, ITIL v3 Lifecycle Module Service Trnsition, is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in- depth knowledge nd understnding of the service trnsition stge of the ITIL v3 service lifecycle. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced level cn ern 3 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduction to service trnsition
    • Service trnsition principles
    • Service trnsition processes
    • Service trnsition relted ctivities
    • Orgniztion nd technology for service trnsition
    • Understnding implementtion pproches, service trnsition roles, chllenges nd criticl success fctors nd risks

  • <>ITIL V3: Service Opertion

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Lifecycle Module Service Opertion offers cndidtes the bility to specilize in one of the five stges of the service lifecycle. This compct 4-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 3 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the lifecycle series covers n introduction to the service lifecycle, the principles, processes, functions nd ctivities within tht stge of the ITIL service mngement lifecycle, long with technology nd implementtion considertions.

    Durtion: 4 dys udience

    The course, ITIL v3 Cpbility Module Service Opertion, is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd understnding of the service opertion stge of the ITILv3 service lifecycle.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduction to Service Opertion
    • Service Opertions principls
    • Service Opertion processes
    • Service Opertion ctivities
    • Orgnizing Service Opertion, specificlly functions
    • Technology considertions
    • Implementtion considertions
    • Service Offerings nd greement roles nd responsibilities
    • Technology nd implementtion considertions
    • Chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks
    • CSI s consequence of effective service offerings nd greement

  • <>ITIL V3: Continul Service improvement

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Lifecycle Module Continul Service Improvement offers cndidtes, the bility to specilize in one of the five stges of the Service Lifecycle. This compct 4-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 3 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the lifecycle series covers n introduction to the service lifecycle, the principles, processes, functions nd ctivities within tht stge of the ITIL service mngement lifecycle, long with technology nd implementtion considertions.

    Durtion: 4 dys udience


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduction to Continul Service Improvement
    • Continul Service Improvement principles
    • Continul Service Improvement process
    • Continul Service Improvement methods nd techniques
    • Continul Service Improvement technology relted ctivities
    • Orgniztion nd technology for Continul Service Improvement
    • Understnding implementtion pproches, chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks

  • <>ITIL V3: opertionl support nd nlysis

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Cpbility Module Opertionl Support ∓ nlysis offers cndidtes the bility to obtin role bsed hnds-on experience in specific cluster of processes ccording to ITIL v3. This 5-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 4 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the cpbilities series covers specific cluster of ITIL v3 processes tilored to relevnt roles.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    The course, ITIL v3 Cpbility Module Opertionl Support ∓ nlysis, is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd hnds-on experience in opertionl support ∓ nlysis. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced levels cn ern 4 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Service mngement s prctice nd service opertion principls.
    • The following processes cross the service lifecycle pertining to the cpbility of Opertionl Support nd nlysis: Event Mngement, Incident Mngement, Request Fulfilment, Problem Mngement nd ccess Mngement.
    • Relevnt opertionl ctivities of processes covered in other lifecycle phses.
    • Common service opertion ctivities relted to Opertionl Support ∓ nlysis.
    • Orgnizing for service opertion which describes functions to be performed within Opertionl Support nd nlysis such s service desk, technicl mngement, IT opertions mngement nd ppliction mngement.
    • Opertionl Support nd nlysis roles nd responsibilities.
    • Technology nd implementtion considertions.
    • Chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks.

  • <>ITIL V3: Plnning, Protection nd Optimiztion

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Cpbility Module Plnning, Protection nd Optimiztion offers cndidtes the bility to obtin role-bsed hnds-on experience in specific cluster of processes ccording to ITIL v3. This 5-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 4 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the cpbilities series covers specific cluster of ITIL v3 processes tilored to relevnt roles.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    The course ITIL v3 Cpbility Module Plnning, Protection nd Optimiztion is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd hnds-on experience in Plnning, Protection nd Optimiztion. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced levels cn ern 4 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion Certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Service Mngement s prctice.
    • The following processes cross the service lifecycle pertining to the prctice elements within Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion: Cpcity Mngement, vilbility Mngement, IT Service Continuity Mngement, Informtion Security Mngement, Demnd Mngement, Risk mngement for Service Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion.
    • Common service opertion ctivities relted to Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion.
    • Orgnizing for service opertion which describes functions to be performed within Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion.
    • Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion roles nd responsibilities.
    • Technology nd implementtion considertions.
    • Chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks.
    • Continul service improvement s consequence of effective Plnning, Protection ∓ Optimiztion.

  • <>ITIL V3: Offering nd greements

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Cpbility Module service Offerings nd greements offers cndidtes the bility to obtin role-bsed hnds on experience in specific cluster of processes ccording to ITIL v3. This 5-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 4 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the cpbilities series covers specific cluster of ITIL v3 processes tilored to relevnt roles.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    The course, ITIL v3 Cpbility Module Service Offerings nd greements, is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd hnds-on experience in Service Offerings nd greements. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced levels cn ern 4 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Service Mngement s prctice.
    • The following processes cross the Service Lifecycle pertining to the Service Offerings nd greement curriculum: Service Portfolio Mngement, Service Ctlogue Mngement, Service Level Mngement, Demnd Mngement, Supplier Mngement, nd Finncil Mngement.
    • Opertionl ctivities of processes covered in other lifecycle phses such s Incident nd Chnge Mngement.
    • Common Service Opertion ctivities relted to Service Offerings nd greement.
    • Orgnizing for Service Opertion which describe functions to be performed within Service Offerings nd greement.
    • Service Offerings nd greement roles nd responsibilities.
    • Technology nd implementtion considertions.
    • Chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks.
    • CSI s consequence of effective Service Offerings nd greement.

  • <>ITIL V3: relese, control nd vlidtion

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 (version 3) Service Cpbility Module Relese, Control ∓ Vlidtion offers cndidtes, the bility to obtin role-bsed hnds-on experience in specific cluster of processes ccording to ITIL v3. This 5-dy trining includes n optionl exm. Pssing this exm dds 4 credits towrds the 22 required credits to enter the dvnced level in IT service mngement certifiction bsed on ITIL v3. Ech module of the cpbilities series covers specific cluster of ITIL v3 processes tilored to relevnt roles.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    The course ITIL v3 Cpbility Module Relese, Control ∓ Vlidtion is trgeted towrds existing holders of the ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte who wnt to gin in-depth knowledge nd hnds-on experience in Relese, Control ∓ Vlidtion. Cndidtes who wish to certify for ITIL v3 t intermedite or dvnced levels cn ern 4 credits by pssing the optionl exm.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd preferbly bout two yers work experience in n IT service mngement environment.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Service mngement s prctice.
    • The following processes cross the Service Lifecycle pertining to the Cpbility of Relese, Control nd Vlidtion: Chnge Mngement, Service Relese nd Deployment Mngement. Service Vlidtion nd Testing, Service sset nd Configurtion Mngement. Knowledge mngement nd service request fulfillment nd evlution.
    • Common service opertion ctivities relted to Relese, Control nd the Vlidtion processes.
    • Orgnizing for service opertion which describe functions to be performed within Relese, Control nd the Vlidtion processes.
    • Relese, Control nd Vlidtion process roles nd responsibilities.
    • Technology nd implementtion considertions.
    • Chllenges, criticl success fctors nd risks.
    • CSI s consequence of effective Relese, Control nd Vlidtion processes.

  • <>ITIL V3: Mnging cross life cycle

    The intermedite level ITIL v3 Mnging cross the Lifecycle course offers cndidtes the bility to chieve the ITIL Expert certifiction upon pssing the ITIL v3 Mnging cross the Lifecycle exm. This certifiction completes the ITIL v3 Intermedite Lifecycle nd Cpbility strems by focusing on the ncillry knowledge required to implement, nd mnge the necessry skills ssocited with the use of the lifecycle prctices. Prticipnts will lern to implement, mnge nd improve Service Mngement ccording to ITIL v3. n interctive pproch is used combining lecture, discussion nd exercises.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    IT professionls requiring deeper business ∓ mngement level understnding of the ITIL v3 core lifecycle nd how it my be implemented to enhnce the qulity of IT service provision within n orgniztion.


    n ITIL v3 Foundtion certificte nd hving obtined minimum of 15 credits through forml ITIL v3 intermedite qulifictions.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduction to IT Service Mngement business ∓ mngeril issues
    • Mnging the plnning nd Implementtion of IT Service Mngement
    • Mngement of strtegic chnge
    • Risk Mngement
    • Mngeril functions
    • Understnding orgniztionl chllenges
    • Lifecycle project ssessment
    • Understnding complementry industry guidnce

TM Forum Trining

Fingerprint Consultncy prtnering with TM Forum, the world leding industry ssocition focused on improving business effectiveness for service providers nd their suppliers. With more thn 700 member compnies in 195 countries serving the informtion, communictions nd entertinment industries, the Forum provides prcticl solutions, guidnce nd ledership to trnsform the wy tht digitl services re creted, delivered nd chrged. Fingerprint is the officil Host of the TM Forum Trining in Egypt s well s, in Sudi rbi thnks to its well equipped trining rooms, Egypt trining room Nile View, excellent internet connection, excellent hosting services ... etc. < href="tmf.html" clss="see-more" hction="tmforum">Show Detils

  • <>Frmeworks Overview

    The TM Forum's four foundtionl Solution Frmeworks (NGOSS) re comprised of Business Process Frmework, n Informtion Frmework, Systems Integrtion Frmework, nd n ppliction Frmework. They serve s the blueprint for Service Oriented Enterprise by supporting the development nd deployment of solutions tht re esy to integrte, flexible, nd esy to mnge throughout their lifecycle. This course provides informtion on the reltionships between these Frmeworks s well s overviews nd some detils of ech one.

    Durtion: 1 dy udience

    nyone wishing to gin high level understnding of the frmeworks nd how they cn be pplied; OSS/BSS professionls who re involved in developing BSS/OSS solutions using Solution Frmeworks methodologies, including: Solution rchitects, nlysts, modelers, developers, nd integrtors.

    Technology Covered

    Solution Frmeworks (NGOSS) t n introductory level.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Identify ll the components of the Solution Frmeworks nd the reltionship between them
    • Understnd Solution Frmeworks lifecycle nd methodology
    • Understnd bsic concepts of Business Process Frmework (eTOM) nd the Informtion Frmework (SID), nd their reltionships
    • Understnd how the frmeworks cn be used
    • Understnd rchitectures


    • TM Forum nd Solution Frmeworks overview
    • Core elements
    • Methodology nd lifecycle
    • Complince nd conformnce
    • Prcticl work is dispersed through the course

  • <>Business Process Frmework (eTOM) Distilled

    The Business Process Frmework (eTOM) is t the hert of Frmeworx. It provides the only stndrdized wy within the telecoms industry to cpture business processes. This course provides the ttendee with big picture view of the Business Process Frmework nd its use in business process trnsformtion. The student will her how the Business Process Frmework hs been used in successful projects. Students will lso tke prt in prcticl exercises imed t enhncing the knowledge gined in the course.

    Durtion: 5 dys udience

    Business mngers, enterprise solution rchitects, process prctitioners (mngers, developers, nd implementers), nd solution providers.

    Technology Covered

    Overview of the Business Process Frmework (eTOM) nd some high level views on its deployment including informtion from which you cn ssess your own deployment business cse.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Identify ll the components of the Business Process Frmework
    • Understnd its role within n enterprise, nd the benefits of using it
    • Recognize wht is required for the Business Process Frmework to be extended to meet enterprise needs
    • Understnd how process decomposition is used to “drill down” to lower levels    (Level 2)
    • Recognize the reltionships between the Business Process Frmework nd vrious other models (Frmeworx, Informtion Frmework, TMN, ITIL)
    • Understnd the necessry steps for decomposing business process problem nd pply the Business Process Frmework to solving it 


    • Business Process Frmework overview
    • Business Process Frmework Level One processes
    • Process decomposition nd process flows
    • Introducing the Business Process Frmework into your orgniztion
    • Business Process Frmework in ction
    • Business Process Frmework nd other stndrds
    • Business Process Frmework prcticl work 

  • <>Business Process Frmework (eTOM) Implementer's Workshop

    The doption of the Business Process Frmework (eTOM) continues to increse within the telecommunictions industry. s result, there is need to provide dvnced trining in how the frmework cn be extended/ modified for use by n orgniztion nd in its prcticl use. The Business Process Frmework (eTOM) Implementer's Workshop provides students with prcticl guidnce for implementing, using nd extending the frmework. Cse studies depict how the frmework is being used within orgniztions nd exercises llow students to prctice the competencies obtined during the workshop.

    Durtion: 2 dys udience

    Enterprise rchitects, who cn use the Business Process Frmework (eTOM) s stndrdized industry reference, to evlute where lignment nd vrition is needed in their orgniztion. Process designers, who cn use frmework s reference Business Process Frmework to ssist in detiled process nlysis nd definition. System rchitects, who cn use the frmework s requirements tool in directing system solutions to meet business need.

    Technology Covered

    Business Process Frmework (eTOM)


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Understnd the vrious wys tht the Business Process Frmework cn be used.
    • Be ble to mp n orgniztion’s processes to the Frmework
    • Be ble to scope project by using the Frmework 


    • TM Forum nd Solution Frmeworks recp
    • Implementing the Frmework
    • Extending the Frmework
    • Using the Frmework 

  • <>Informtion Frmework (SID) Distilled

    The Informtion Frmework (SID) is corner stone of TM Forum Frmeworx(NGOSS) providing the tools nd lnguge to model corporte dt from the highest level right down to inclusion in softwre solutions. This course provides n in-depth look t the Informtion Frmework. It demonstrtes the inherent nd strong reltionships between the Frmework nd the overll Frmeworx rchitecture nd demonstrtes how it is used s the 'Lnguge' of Frmeworx. The Informtion Frmework is explined in detil nd students re tken on guided tour of the currently developed frmework domins. There will be hnds-on exercises throughout the dy.

    Durtion: 1 dy udience

    People ctively engged in the nlysis nd design of OSS/BSS solutions using Frmeworx nd the TM Forum Informtion Frmework (SID), in prticulr, people involved in informtion modeling nd solution rchitectures.

    Technology Covered

    The Informtion Frmework in its UML form is explined using rel-world exmples.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Describe the need nd benefits of Frmeworx (NGOSS)
    • Describe the reltionship between the Informtion Frmework nd the Frmeworx rchitecture
    • Provide n overview of the Informtion Frmework
    • Use one or more Informtion Frmework ddend for reference in the nlysis nd design phses of solution
    • pply Informtion Frmework modeling ptterns to extend the frmework
    • Begin to use the Frmework for rel nlyses nd development of OSS/BSS components


    • NGOSS nd the Informtion Frmework (SID)
    • The Informtion Frmework (SID)
    • Documenting the frmework
    • Informtion Frmework (SID)/Business Process Frmework (eTOM) mppings nd their importnce
    • Scenrio-bsed Informtion Frmework wlkthrough
    • Getting strted with the frmework
    • Informtion Frmework in ction
    • Informtion Frmework futures
    • Hnds-on Informtion Frmework modeling exercises.

  • <>Revenue ssurnce Prctitioner's ccredittion

    This three dy course covers the min principles of revenue ssurnce from the perspective of the revenue ssurnce prctitioner. It is designed to equip revenue ssurnce personnel with the prcticl knowledge nd expertise they require in order to contribute effectively to the dy to dy opertions of their revenue ssurnce deprtment.

    Durtion: 3 dys udience

    This course culmintes in n exmintion of the ttendees' knowledge by ssessing their understnding nd ppliction of the TM Forum's revenue ssurnce methodology. ttendees who successfully pss this exmintion will be issued with certificte of ttinment.

    Technology Covered

    Bsed on industry best prctices nd guidelines developed by the TM Forum, it introduces ttendees to tools nd techniques for ech stge of the revenue ssurnce lifecycle, which cn be redily pplied to ddress revenue ssurnce issues within their own orgniztion.


    t the end of this course, you should be ble to:

    • Introduce revenue ssurnce inititives in your orgnistion
    • Perform dt nlysis to identify unbilled records nd subscribers
    • Exmine dt strems for inconsistencies leding to revenue loss
    • Mesure nd report the finncil impct of incorrect dt nd improper processes
    • Estblish end-to-end revenue ssurnce progrmmes
    • pply TM Forum Frmeworx to revenue ssurnce


    • Introduction to Revenue ssurnce
    • Revenue ssurnce nd the TM Forum
    • Revenue lekge frmework nd exmples
    • Recommended pproch for usge ssurnce
    • Dt nlysis techniques
    • Identifiction of business rules
    • Usge ssurnce worked exmple nd exercises
    • Recommended pproch for subscription ssurnce
    • Recommended pproch for cost ssurnce
    • Rting nd billing ssurnce, covering both on-line nd off-line chrging
    • KPI design nd visulistion
    • Summry of the TM Forum's revenue ssurnce benchmrking exercise
    • Techniques for the correction of revenue ssurnce issues
    • Techniques for the prevention of revenue ssurnce issues
    • Introduction to the TM Forum's revenue ssurnce mturity model
    • NGOSS from revenue ssurnce perspective, covering eTOM, SID nd TM
    • Discussion of supporting techniques
    • Identifiction of the functionlity of revenue ssurnce system
    • Revenue ssurnce considertions in next genertion networks
    • Summry nd Q∓
    • Exmintion 

ISO 20K Consultncy nd Trining

Fingerprint Consultncy provides ISO/IEC 20000 consultncy services which is the first worldwide stndrd specificlly imed t IT Service Mngement. It describes n integrted set of mngement processes for the effective delivery of services to the business nd its customers. It covers different domins such s Service Delivery Processes nd Control processes which include Relese, Resolution, nd Reltionship Mngement. It lso specifies distinct mngement requirements nd the mintennce of Service Mngement Policies nd Plns, Service Level greements, nd relevnt records ISO/IEC 20000 is ligned with nd complementry to the process pproch defined within ITIL from the Office of Government Commerce (OGC). ISO/IEC 20000 ws relesed in 2005 bsed on the IT infrstructure librry (ITIL®) best prctice frmework, nd updted in 2011.< href="iso.html" clss="see-more" hction="isotc">Show Detils

  • <>ISO/IEC 20000 Consultnts Trining

    This 3-dy course gives brod overview of the ISO/IEC 20000 IT Service Mngement stndrd eductes ttendees in how to scope nd prepre for forml certifiction process. It includes guidnce on the itSMF ISO/IEC 20000 Certifiction Scheme, detiled look t prts 1 nd 2 of the stndrd, scoping guidelines, implementtion considertions, prepring for n udit, nd the role of the Registered Certified Body (RCB). The course includes the forml itSMF ISO/IEC 20000 consultnts Exmintion.

    Durtion: 3 dys Objectives

    t the end of the course, you will be ble to:

    • Understnd the ISO/IEC 20000 Stndrd nd how it reltes to other sources of ITSM best prctice
    • Understnd the itSMF ISO/IEC 20000 Certifiction Scheme nd the wy in which it is operted nd pplied
    • Be ble to scope nd pre-ssess forml certifiction ppliction
    • Tke nd pss the forml itSMF ISO/IEC 20000 Consultnts exmintion

  • <>ISO 20000 uditor Certificte Trining Course

    This four-dy intensive course enbles prticipnts to develop the expertise needed to udit n Informtion Technology Service Mngement System (ISO 20000) nd to mnge tem of uditors by pplying widely recognized udit principles, procedures nd techniques. During this interctive trining, the prticipnt will cquire the skills nd knowledge needed to proficiently pln nd perform udits complint with the certifiction process of stndrd 20000:2005. Bsed on prcticl exercises, the prticipnt will develop the bilities (mstering udit techniques) nd skills (mnging udit tems nd udit progrm, communicting with customers, conflict resolution, etc.) necessry to the efficient conducting of n udit. The trining is bsed on mngement system udit guidelines (ISO 19011:2002) s well s interntionl udit best prctices: the Interntionl Federtion of ccountnts (IFC), the mericn Institute of Certified Public ccountnts (ICP), the Informtion Systems udit nd Control ssocition (ISC) nd the Institute of Internl uditor (II). comprehensive udit kit developed by sesoned uditors will be distributed to prticipnts.

    Durtion: 4 dys Objectives

    t the end of the course, you will be ble to:

    • Understnding the ppliction of the informtion technology service mngement system in the ISO 20000:2005 context.
    • Understnding the reltionship between the informtion technology service mngement system, including the mngement processes nd requirements, nd the vrious stkeholders.
    • Understnding udit principles, procedures nd techniques, nd being ble to pply them in n ISO 20000 udit frmework.
    • Understnding the legl, sttutory, regultory or contrct obligtions relevnt during n ITSMS udit.
    • cquiring the personl skills required to perform n udit in n effective nd cost-effective mnner, nd mnging n udit tem.
    • Prepring nd completing n udit report